Who We Are?

About Us

Western Woodworkers Inc. is a hobbyist woodworking club that caters for all.  Whether you are brand new to woodworking or an old hand, Western Woodworkers welcomes you to continue to explore your skills. 

Catering for all types of woodworking, and with a range of club equipment available onsite, we welcome you to this friendly and helpful atmosphere.  Our current members have wide range of expertise, including carving, turning, cabinet and furniture making, joinery, pyrography and tool sharpening/maintenance.

Each year we display/exhibit our work, giving members the opportunity to sell their creations to the public, as well as having a number of social events outside the shed.

Located off South Rd in St. Marys, South Australia, meetings are held on the 2nd and 3rd Saturdays of each month, including December.  We are in the Green Shed at the back of the Anglican Church (behind the National Storage), next to the food bank.

Our History

Originated as the Woodfast Woodturners Club in 1986, meetings were originally held at the Woodfast Machinery Pty Ltd showrooms on Port Rd; on the 3rd Saturday of every month.

Kath and Trevor Bretag, together with Brian Fraser and Neville Sanders served as the organising committee at Port Road for many years.  Other early members included Tim Skilton, Jim McCarter, Graham Were and Dick Pillar, who with many others willingly gave their time demonstrating wood-turning techniques to a large assembly, sometimes up to 70 people.

Unfortunately, starting in 1995 the Woodfast Machinery premises were no longer available, and Trevor Bretag along with Kath (his wife), and Pat Crowe organised an alternative venue for the group.  Undergoing a name change at the same time, the Western Wood-turners held their first meeting at Thebarton Senior College on the 20th May 1995; continuing to meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month. 

Eventually the group updated its name again to reflect the wide range of woodworking interests represented by the club, taking on the now familiar name of the Western Woodworkers, becoming incorporated in 2007.

In 2010, Thebarton Senior College underwent a renovation of its Technology Centre, meaning the group were once again looking for suitable premises.  Fortunately, the Anglican Church Project Centre, off South Rd at St Marys was happy for the group to share their facilities, an arrangement that continues to the current day.

Current Life-members

Graham Were

Charles Greig

Ray Hoare

Rena Hoare

John Beswick

Alex Mühlhölzl

Current Committee

President – William “Bill” Parry
Vice President – Brett Crosby
Secretary – Rhonda Parry
Treasurer – Rhonda Parry
Public Officer – Warrick Lee